Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wrap it up!

I went grocery shopping after the boys went to bed and my hubby put up the new curtains in our living room. So I pull into the garage at, oh 1 AM, and start unloading the cart full of stuff I brought home which includes about 15 or so jars of babyfood. Well I have always been annoyed by that plastic wrapper on the Gerber foods, b/c it is such an annoyance to take off... not tonight however. Tonight I am SO happy to have the wrapper on since it likely prevented my children from finding those small chards of glass that escape when trying to clean up said babyfood jars. Only one, but still, with ceramic tile flooring, glass doesnt just break, it shatters. So I take back all the crappy things I thought or said about the wrappers because hey, even though I still ended up moping and sweeping and wiping the floor down with wet paper towels to make sure I get it all, most of it was kept in place by that little wrapper.

And speaking of groceries, tonight I also purchased three gallons of milk. Does anyone else do that? I mean, I drink a gallon of milk by myself in a week and with cereal, we had been buying two to account for the rest of the family. But now that the boys are drinking more liquid from a sippy cup (and Cyrus from a straw!) I decided to risk it and buy the third. They all expire on the same day. We have 12 days to drink it all and I bet it will be gone by then...

We did some cool stuff today, Kindermusik (and had an ECI nutritionist appt Collin is up to 23 lbs 13oz. and Cyrus 25 lbs. 14 oz.; after all this time they still manage to stay about two pounds apart from one another), and I will tell you all about it later, but I must head to bed. Got another ECI appt and 6 month evaluation for Cyrus tomorrow morning. Cheers.

1 comment:

mamashine said...

I buy four gallons a week, Kel, and I make it work by rationing the kids and still usually run out by Saturday afternoon and have no weekend milk. :)