Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So its on record...

We went to the pediatrician last week for their check up and booster shots. All is well and they are on the charts, barely for their birth age. But they are getting huge! We got the fifteen month info sheets which said they should be eating all table food right and off the bottle now if they were term babies. Well they most certainly aren't! And I am glad too because that would be an insane hassle right now. I should be brushing their gums still but I do not need toothpaste- well what about that stuff that came with the baby toothbrushes? Most children re walking, running and climbing by now and have a rapid increase in their vocabulary. Vocabulary? What vocabulary? Of course Cyrus is well into the imitation stage and is easily swayed to blowing to clapping or shh-ing or whatever. And temper tantrums, hmmm, I think Cyrus is well on his way to that one too.

Collin: 20 lbs. 12 oz., 29 3/4 inches, 42.5 head circ.
Cyrus: 23 lbs. 6 z., 30 1/4 inches, 47.8 head circ.


loni said...

For some perspective...I think my girl had just finished her last bits of jar food, she began walking the day after her fifteenth month and we were using the non-floride toddler toohpaste. Helpful? I hope so.

mamashine said...

We're still using the non-fluoride toothpaste. I think Gilly was done with jar food by then. I forget.