Saturday, February 25, 2006

It is working... I think

So the battle to get Collin and Cyrus to sleep through the night continues and I have hardened myself to endure more nights like last night, but I jump ahead. Monday night was the second beginning to the sleep through the night ordeal. First it was give them water and rock them back to sleep. Then it was no water, but rock them. Then just coming in and patting them, letting them cry after. Now it is all them, while Mommy fights back the urge to go in there to "save" them from themselves. One will wake up and cry, then go back to sleep in a few minutes. Then the other may start up, and then they both are screaming. The desire to go in and calm them down is SO strong and it hurts to stay in bed. Last night it started up around 3:00 AM and did not completely stop until 4:15 AM. But I am determined to get this over with for two reasons: 1) I need to sleep, but everyone knows that 2) I am going on vacation in April and need the boys to sleep through the night for Grandma to keep her sanity while taking care of them for a week.

Yes, you heard me people- I am going to be out of town for a whole week in April! Okay, a day to get there, a day to get back, so about five days, taking jet lag into account (I hope). My best friend is currently living in Germany (at least until June) and she has been there for two years. I have always wanted to visit and things came together for me to do so thanks to my family and her generosity. I know some people may ask me if I am worried about being away from the boys for such a long time. My answer is no, not really. I know I will miss them and I am sure I will be calling often to see how they are, but I NEED this vacation and am so excited that I am going to Europe. I just hope my passport gets here in time.

Collin and Cyrus hang out with Daddy before bedtime.

All smiles for the laundry. Maybe if I teach them how to do the laundry...

I just wanted to show everyone how the boys use pacifiers. They are teething toys.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Oh, hi people! :)

Some weeks it is so easy to post at least once a week, sometimes there is just so much going on that I am not at my computer regularly. I had so much to do this week that that the boys and I went out everyday! I cannot think of the last time I left the house so much in one week; must have been before we went into hiding. We had our RSV shots this week (only ONE more month!) and the boys have been doing great. I even started feeding them breakfast baby food now (mornings are so horrible, but I have buckled to my responsibilities) so now the boys are eating three squares a day. Let us hope that is the breeze that will send them over the edge to sleeping. Collin has been better about wearing his glasses recently for some reason. He has been more interested in standing and getting around so perhaps that is it. He needs new ones but we have to wait for our new insurance to kick in come March before we can. Ah, the sweet smell of quality insurance... it will be a life saver.

It took a little coaxing but we finally got Collin to crawl through the box.
Cyrus and Daddy eagerly await his arrival at the other end.

Cyrus could not crawl through fast enough. And he did it again and again...

...Until he sat on the box.
Collin is mesmerized by the baby on the box, he kept babbling to her.
Ah, so much fun in the packaging! By the way, Cyrus' footy pajamas glow in the
dark, little dinosaurs. Too cute!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Big Mac in a Cup

The nutritionist gave me a few samples of "a big mac in a cup" (330 calories in about three tablespoons) and I love the stuff. I can now give them their favorite foods like green beans, peas, and squash with decent caloric intake. The boys don't notice it and so I can slip it into their food and POOF tons more calories! Since they are still eating the same amount as they have been for ages now (8 oz of babyfood, and 10-14 oz. of Pediasure a day) I am so thankful for this stuff and I am going to get a prescription for it so I can use it regularly.

I know everyone is sick to death of my rantings on not sleeping, I know I am sick of dealing with it. The boys are regressing, and are now up every fours hours or so. I guess I have been slacking so much that the boys are in control. But I think Cyrus is on a growth spurt... is that a good rationalization? My mother thinks he is teething, should give him the teething tablets and then back to bed, buddy!

Here's Collin... Tada! He is in a walker (I know I know) eating Cheerios.

Like the matching outfits? Guess what Cyrus is about to do...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Adjusted Birthday!

Well today marks the one year adjusted age for the boys, due date Feb. 7, 2005. They are crawling, babbling incessantly, eating baby food, holding their own bottles, sitting up, laughing, smiling, playing... It is so hard to believe they have come so far from a year ago. My little boys are growing up so fast and I LOVE IT! Why you may ask? Because they are growing up of course! I mean these little preemies have overcome the odds in so many ways, it is such a blessing to be able to watch them everyday. Even with all the trials and issues we continue to face, I feel so very lucky for everyday I have my little boys in my life.

More good news- the nutritionist came by yesterday and said that Collin has gained a ton of weight since last month! Woo Hoo! All that calorie pushing seems to be working, thanks to Beech Nut baby food, extra calorie powder, and 30 calorie Pediasure. She even said that Collin measured longer than Cyrus! What a growth spurt, little man. Collin is now 19 lbs. 3 oz., 29 inches long; Cyrus is 21 lbs. 1 oz., 28 3/4 inches long.

The pipe dream about me sleeping through the night apparently was a temporary ordeal, because they are up two times a night now. Cyrus was up this morning at 7:30 AM! What was he thinking? And since I have been lazy, I have been feeding them and going right back to bed. I guess I should buckle down and try again .Craig keeps getting on my case about not sleeping, saying I should go to bed earlier. But in my mind, broken sleep is no better with an extra hour or two, even if I could get my night owl butt in bed before midnight. We shall see. If I can consider getting up at 10:00 AM sleeping in (and for those who do not know me so well, that was NOT sleeping in before the baby's were born), then maybe I can get the boys to sleep straight from 1:00 AM to 8:00 or 9:00 AM. Because we all know that is far more likely than me going to sleep before midnight.

And now for your viewing pleasure...

Baby Butts!! This adorable pic would have been SO much better if I could have
gotten my knee out of the way in time (they are fast little baby butts), but whatever. Its still pretty darn cute. Now you all can tell who is who right?

Here they are hamming it up to the Baby Paparazzi again in their playpen, which takes up much of our kitchen. Collin doesn't look taller then Cyrus...

Everyone does it, I took a picture of it. Cyrus with a mohawk. I meant to take a pic of Collin too, but Cyrus always grabs at Collin's hair when I do that. He distracted me from my shampoo photo opp. Next time. The boys are just about ready for another haircut... see Cyrus' hair is so long that it curls over, again.